How the ESG Analyst Should Think – From Climate Change Scenarios to ESG* Risk Materiality or Brace for Physical Climate Changes!

How the ESG Analyst Should Think – From Climate Change Scenarios to ESG* Risk Materiality Or Brace for Physical Climate Changes! ESG risk materiality – A dynamic and complex perspective Understanding ESG risk materiality requires knowledge of the typical ESG risks for activities often grouped in industries and sectors. Unlike traditional financial risks, rooted in […]

Nordic Certified ESG* Analysts Overview #5 – Danske Bank still in front of Nordea, and much more focused on asset management and Norway still lagging, but less!

Nordic Certified ESG* Analysts Overview #5 – Danske Bank still in front of Nordea, and much more focused on asset management. Norway still lagging, but less! The finance industry is grappling with a critical issue: the lack of genuine ESG analyst expertise. This challenge is growing more significant as regulations become stricter and expectations from […]

ESG risk is like any other risk and cannot be understood only with an ESG risk rating

ESG risk is like any other risk and cannot be understood only with an ESG risk rating Co-authored by Alexander Miller, CIO at Odin Forvaltning and Dag A.D. Messelt, Senior ESG risk analyst and co-founder at sustainAX. Today, there is far too much focus on the ESG risk ratings themselves among investors, but also in […]
ESG Dilammas Nordic Finance ESG risk sector report

How the ESG* analyst should think – Issues and dilemmas in the Nordic financial sector

How the ESG* analyst should think – Issues and dilemmas in the Nordic financial sector We have released an ESG sector report for Nordic finance with 43 companies ESG risk researched. When conducting our ESG risk research in the sector we have met a few issues and dilemmas. How should we think as ESG risk […]
Full blown modern ESG engagement

ESG* risk mitigation – Modern ESG* engagement versus limited traditional engagement

ESG* risk mitigation – Modern ESG* engagement versus limited traditional engagement All investments have ESG risks and other risks, we could just call it risks as there is no real reason to distinguish between these in the end. Asset managers are professional risk takers and know how to price this. We will focus on the […]

To keep your clients, you should urgently target 100% ESG research coverage of your portfolios

To keep your clients, you should urgently target 100% ESG research coverage of your portfolios Most investors have a tail of holdings in their portfolios lacking ESG research or ESG risk scores. Depending on the asset class, this may represent up to 50% in the Nordics, but also a significant proportion in certain asset classes […]
Fundamental ESG research analyst blue sustainAX

SFDR – Different types of ESG* data and why you will always need the fundamental ESG* analyst

SFDR – Different types of ESG* data and why you will always need the fundamental ESG* analyst The debate about ESG, the search for best practice and the search for ESG data are still hot topics and it will be for some time. In many recent meetings with asset managers, we have had many interesting […]

ESG research and Nordic High Yield issuers – Status, ESG risks we see and how to Engage?

ESG research and Nordic High Yield issuers – Status, ESG risks we see and how to Engage? High Yield is a market segment where the ESG risk is high as the companies are overall weak in sustainability reporting and ESG risk mitigation. ESG risks are likely to impact the performance of a company in the […]

Nordic Utilities and IPPs – Sector ESG research report

ESG RESEARCH – NORDIC UTILITIES AND IPP SECTOR REPORT Our ESG sector report for Nordic Utilities and IPPs is now public. The report contains the following chapters: ESG risk integration in investment decisions is very important Introduction of Nordic Utilities and IPP Material ESG factors for Utilities How the ESG* analyst should think – Dilemmas […]

New ESG analysts – sustainAX ESG research growing

Welcome to Emma and Giovanni! As the demand for the sustainAX ESG research is increasing, we are happy to announce the arrival of Emma and Giovanni in our team. They will both do ESG research at sustainAX, contributing to the ESG research library already covering 200 issuers. In the near time, we will together spend […]